I feel exhilarated. Last night the church had a 5k/2 mile walk. I chose the walk, obviously. My friend Erin said at the beginning that we should go walk the golf course every day. That sounded like a great idea. By the end we both didn't know about that. Now before you think badly of us, you need to know that was not your typical 2 miles. It was very hilly and curvy. I also jogged up the hills, which was a little ambitious. Now, I wasn't dying at the end, but I was a little more out of breath than necessary. Bree did awesome and I know that Curves had a lot to do with it. Erin and I decided to make a commitment. We got up early and went to Totally Fit in Bloomfield. We worked out and got home pretty early. I felt so good when I left. I am NOT a morning person, but I felt more awake when I left there than I would have if I would have gotten up a 9:00.
We are going to start going three days a week. James will take Adi to Shelly's, and I will go get her after she has her lunch. That will give me a chance to get my shower and do some things around the house. It will also be good for Adi. It will allow her to keep the schedule that she has developed and I will still get to spend a ton of time with her, two full days and three half. I feel guilty, but I know that it is healthy for both of us especially right now =( This is about the age that separation anxiety comes into play.
Today I got home after working out, and I mowed the lawn. I folded a load of laundry and started another and folded it. I took a shower. I cleaned the kitchen floor, and I was at Shelly's to get Adi by 11:30. I felt like I had accomplished something. James got to come home for lunch. I cooked lunch and we hung out until he had to go back to work. I thought that Adi would take a nap, but she only did for about 30 min. We have played pretty hard this afternoon. She is in her jumper right now. She got tired of mom wallering her=)
Big Red
1 month ago