I have managed to neglect my poor blog for a whole week. I really do not think that anyone wants to hear about my whole week. It was pretty awesome though! I'll spare you anyway.
I will just tell you about how precious my baby is. Last night she slept for a full 12 hours. YAY! That would be a great habit to get into. We will see how it goes tonight. I know that we just need to let her cry for a couple of nights and she will get used to putting herself back to sleep, but I can't stand to hear her cry. She sleeps well anyway. I shouldn't complain. She usually gets up between 4:30 and 5:30. It isn't bad for a baby, but it would be nice to get her to sleep a little later in the morning. It stinks to get up at 5 and get back to sleep by 5:30 just to know that you will be hearing the lovely sound of the alarm in 30 minutes.
She was getting pretty tired after her supper time, but I knew if she took a late nap that would ruin the chance of her getting another full night sleep. We went on a little 4-wheeler ride to try and keep her awake. Then, we brought her in and gave her a bath, bottle, and painted her toes. She was asleep by 7:45. I'll let you know if we make it through the night.
She seems to be getting so big. We have graduated to 6-9 month clothes. Most of them fit her, but we still have several 3-6 month pants. She has such short little legs. I just can't believe that she is close to a year old. She is very mobile. We have had plenty of bumps and bruises, but that goes with growing up ;) I am ready to start again. I want to have my babies close together. I think that it may be because there is such a large gap between me and my sisters.