Monday, August 25, 2008

I am... a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend.

I want... to be stronger in my faith.

I have... been so blessed in my life at such a young age.

I wish I could... not be judgemental. That is something that is easier said than done for most people.

I hate... not being able to say NO.

I fear... the dark.

I search... for something to put here.

I regret... not seeing my father-in-law the day that he died.

I love...My husband and daughter with all that I have.

I always cry... ALL THE TIME! You name it. It probably makes me cry.

I am not... hard to read.

I dance... only to slow songs at weddings, unless I have little kids to do the chicken dance with :)

I sing... every chance that I get.

I never... wake up when my alarm goes off.

I rarely... go to bed early, which would explain the above comment.

I cry when I watch... The Notebook

I am not always... as serious as I should be about certain things.

I hate that... I can't see my mom more.

I am confused about... pretty much everything.

I need... to go to bed.

I should... fold a load of laundry and wash bottles, but I'm not feeling it.


Bree Shaw said...

go you! on your search one you should have put I search... for my snooze button everytime my alarm goes off. like 10 times a morning:)

Andrea Frederick said...

Hey...there's nothing wrong with hitting the snooze button! Now you know why I'm late to Curves! Amee, sorry to use your blog to yell at Bree:) I love your answers...especially the crying one.