Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Adi Update

Last week Adi started REALLY crawling. Before, she could get where she needed to go, but it wasn't the real deal. She has gone from crawling to cruising in no time flat. She can pull up on anything and walk along it. Shelly has a plastic tub outside on the porch. She says that Adi pulls up to it and pushes it around. I think that it would be sooo cute if she was walking at 9 months. because she is so little. On the other hand I don't look forward to having to chase her down to do things! I will be happy either way. ;)

1 comment:

Bree Shaw said...

i seen her crawling at Shelly's the other day. also, i thought you wanted a lunch date this week??? or are you too good for me at lunch???:)