Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas 2008

So many presents, so little time.
Big stuff.

Mommy and Adi on Christmas morning. Please disregard the fact that I look super awesome at 6 in the morning.

Look, Ralphie from, A Christmas Story. Ha ha. I thought that was hilarious at the time.

This is Adi, with her cousins Jena and Aiden at the Jones family Christmas. She was so good about not messing with the tree. She got to the point that she would just look at our tree and shake her head, because she knew that there was a no-no coming.

Adi in her Santa dress. The booties didn't last very long, but they were cute while they did.

Adi and Grannyclaus. All I can say is, look at those eyes!

She had no trouble unwrapping her gifts. That is the best part of Christmas, right!?

Our Christmas tree, which is still up by the way. It will be making an exit soon. Very soon!

1 comment:

Bree Shaw said...

looks like adi cleaned house! isn't it crazy how much they get and they could care less b/c they like the paper and boxes better?