1. Sitting in front of the TV, what's on the screen? Scrubs, or a western if there is not a good movie on.
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? What's a salad?
3. What's one food he doesn't like? The list is too long. I can't pick just one. He is a pretty picky eater.
4. You go out to a bar. What does he order? Mountain Dew, What a good man!!!
5. Where did he go to high school? Clark County
6. What size shoe does he wear? 9 to 10 depends on the shoe
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? coins, old and new... neat Mountain Dew bottles.
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? ham and cheese... peanut butter & apple butter
9. What would this person eat everyday if he could? CHEESEBURGER & FRENCH FRIES ( anyone who knows us, knows that's the gospel truth. )
10. What is his favorite cereal? We don't even have cereal at our house.
11. What would he never wear? Khakis and a polo ( He's pretty manly ;)
12. What is his favorite sports team? St. Louis Cardinals
13. Who will he vote for? Write in: Ross Perot ( you can't complain unless you vote!)
14. Who is his best friend? Me!!! He has a lot of "friends", and he's the kind of person that I would like to emulate. He may talk to someone that he hasn't talked to in years and the next day he might be helping them do something. He would do anything for anyone that asked.
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Sleep with the T.V. on.
16. How many states has he lived in? 2 Missouri and Iowa
17.What is his heritage? African American (just kidding, I really don't know)
18. You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind of cake? White Cake, homemade butter cream (my kinda guy)
19. Did he play sports in high school? football and baseball ( Clark didn't have a school baseball team, but they had an undefeated summer team that he loved. He pitched and could have played in college, but chose not to. I think he regrets it.)
20. What could he spend hours doing? Working on his truck or pretty much anything outdoors.
* What do you know about your man?
Big Red
4 weeks ago
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